
©Website designed by Guillermo Perez Perez

Guillermo Pérez

Name: Guillermo Pérez Pérez

Age: 22

City: Madrid

Formation: Networks and system administration

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I am a 22 year old engineering student at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. I am in my first year and I am very excited about getting my engineering degree in the future. I am a system administrator and I had the great opportunity of having my 'formación profesional' internship at Indra's cybersecurity company: SIA. During my internship, I had the opportunity to experience what is like to work as a cybersecurity analyst in their SOC (Security Operation Center), but I also noticed that I wanted to become an engineer rather than a technician, I felt like I'd have more opportunities to travel the world and make bigger projects and I would make the best out of my capabilities.
Regarding myself, I love video games, music, and books, because they're all helping me to widen my mind, which I find stimulating and comforting. Sci-fi and fantasy have always been my favorite genres.


In the immediate future, I want to develop my potential, which I think it's big and I will enjoy the challenges this degree is going to bring me along the path I have chosen. In the longer term, I don't have any specific plans at the moment, but I would like to be involved in some big projects such as machine learning applied to genetics or IA applied to cybersecurity, making the world a safer place to be.